So sorry it's been so long since I've posted!! :( Unfortunately I've been sick this whole past month. Not really sure with what, but I'm finally starting to feel better. Very exciting news in the tarot world--I finally got up the courage to offer readings for free to people on my favorite forum! (Spiritual Forums) I'm really excited. I've only done a few since I've been sick, but they seem to be realy helping! I'm so excited to finally really be able to spread the tarot love. I haven't done a reading for myself in a while though. It's weird. My boyfriend and I got in kind of a big fight this past week, but I just couldn't bring myself to ask the cards about it. I'm not sure why. It was rather curious. Things are better between the two of us now, and I almost want to try a reading on the conflict now that it's over....kind of weird.
I also got a new reading cloth that I'm really excited about! Before I was reading on one of my scarves because it was the only thing I had. But I'm really excited about it! I couldn't fit the whole thing in the picture because it's too big, but here it is! Isn't it pretty?Big Picture Close Up
In other news, I've been trying to get back in touch with my Rider-Waite deck. I really do love it. I just forget sometimes cuz the Shadowscapes is purty. :P