Monday, May 30, 2011


I had the chance to buy the Gilded Tarot deck for pretty cheap today, and I turned it down. Hopefully I'm not going to regret that decision. I just couldn't get with the picture on the kind of creeped me out. But I wasn't allowed to open the seal to look at the whole deck, so who knows if the rest of it would've spoken to me. I would've ran home to look it up online but the store is all the way across town from where I live. I almost bought it because I thought I might as well, but I already have two decks and it's been a little overwhelming at times for me to try and learn the two...I was afraid adding a third would make it all the worse. I don't know. I don't regret it yet, but I don't exactly not regret it either. I guess we'll see!

In other news, I did readings for my sister's birthday party Friday night. It was the first time I've ever done readings for other people 1) with my Rider-Waite deck and 2) for people that I don't know really well/at all. It was...interesting. Some of them went really well. There were two girls who I know definitely got something out of their readings. But the others....they were just okay. There was nothing wrong with them really, there just weren't any big aha! oh my gosh moments. But I suppose I can't always have those. I'm not sure if it was me not being a good reader or their lack of enthusiasm. Probably a little of both, honestly. But I'm just going to chalk it up to being a good experience, and move on. It did make me realize that I really need to study the Pentacles suit more. I don't draw Pentacles that often, so I don't know those cards NEAR as well as I do, say, the suit of cups. Silly me, thinking because I don't, that other people wouldn't draw them! :P

To end, I'm going to do a discussion on The Knight of Swords. Three of the six girls I read for Friday night drew this card (the cards were shuffled really good, I promise! They also weren't back to back...). I thought this was very interesting. So, The Knight of Swords. 

 The picture on the right is from the Shadowscapes deck and the one on the left is the Rider-Waite. (I thought I'd include both decks, since I did the readings that night with the Rider-Waite.) The Knight of Swords is the only knight in the R-W who's on a horse that is running. The knight is forward, blunt, and commanding. He is logical and does not let emotions stand in his way. He is very intelligent, and not afraid to tell you so. If he feels you are being illogical or "emotional," he'll tell you, and not all too gently. The Knight of Swords is described as the hero who rushes into battle. He doesn't often "look before he leaps," so to speak. Instead he just says what he thinks (or as he would put it, what he knows), slicing his sword through anyone who dares say otherwise. He knows what he wants and will do anything to attain that, even if that means being hard as stone and closing his mind to everything else. In the book that came with my Shadowscapes deck, this poem is given with the knight.
Lift me up spirits of Sky
grant me keen sight of Hawk
swiftness of Sparrow
grant me insight of Raven
brave heartbeat of Hummingbird
bear me up with grace on wings of Swan
guide me with visions of wisdom from Owl

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