Sunday, April 17, 2011


To use significators, or not to use significators.
That is the question.

In the readings Sarah did for Lou and I, she used the Celtic Cross spread and significators. So I initially assumed that everyone used them. Come to find out, this is not the case. So now I'm trying to decide how I feel on the subject. (For those of you who don't know, a significator is a card chosen to represent the Querent, the person you're doing the reading for). Sarah originally thought I was Queen of Pentacles, which fit as far as what she knew of me. But since then I've done a lot of research and I've found that I'm definitely The Queen of Cups. Everything I read about her fits. But I don't always use her on readings on myself. I usually just decide whether or not I'm going to use a significator or not on the spot. I always do when using the Celtic Cross, and other big spreads like it. But when doing smaller ones, I tend not to. When I'm doing readings on other people, I let them decide. Some people like to use them, and others don't. It's really just matter of personal preference. Although I will admit, I like using mine because I like to show her off...especially in my shadowscapes deck. She's so beautiful!

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