Monday, April 25, 2011

Can Christ Love Tarot?

So I don't mean to get into a religious rant here, but this is something I've really been struggling with. I've been a Christian my whole life, and when forced to choose, I still put myself in that category. (Haven't decided if that's because I really believe it or because it's the only thing I know.) But I live in a "Christian Dorm." Which is all fine and dandy. The people are really nice and really devoted, and I'm not trying to down Christians here, because like I said, I still identify with a lot of those beliefs. But tarot is a real issue. Nobody here knows that I've been getting into it. Which for one is really hard because I have to hide my readings from people, and I can't do them whenever I please. Which is really really ANNOYING. lol

But it's also really hard for me...because a lot of Christians think tarot is evil. And this makes me very sad. Because it isn't. It's beautiful. It's a wonderful way to communicate with yourself, and God. But a lot of them don't even think about it, they just freak out and say no!! It's evil, you'll go to hell, burn those demon cards!! I mean, I'm obviously not saying all Christians are like that, because they certainly aren't. I've met people that are perfectly fine with it. (Like my new roommate next year!!!) But for every person that isn't, there are several who are. I don't know. It's just something that's really been on my mind lately. I've been struggling with religion on every level lately, from which one I believe in, to whether or not I even believe in religion as a concept. Maybe I should do a reading about it. Maybe I will later tonight, when everyone goes to sleep...

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